Introduction: How to Control Wemos D1 Mini/ Nodemcu Using Blynk App (IOT) (esp8266)

Hello friends,

In this instructable, i will show you How to control wemos D1 mini or (nodemcu) using the blynk app.

it's an absolute beginners guide.

for detail tutorial


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Step 1: Components

1.Wemos D1 mini or Nodemcu & computer.


4.latest arduino ide

Step 2: Wemos Drivers

if you are using wemos d1 mini first time you have to install USB drivers.

Download drivers from here

Install the drivers.

Step 3: Adding Board to Arduino IDE

To write & upload code for wemos you have to add the wemos board to your Arduino Ide.

In Arduino Ide.Go to File --> preferences add below URL to the Addition Boards Manager URL

Goto Tools/Board Manager

In board manager search for esp.

Install esp8266.

Step 4: Setup Your Blynk App

create the new account on blynk app.then select buttons according to your requirement and select pins on which led is connected.

email your token to your Gmail account.

Step 5: Blynk Library

Download Blynk library.

unzip this zip file and copy all the folders present in libraries folder and paste it to arduino ide/ libraries.

Step 6: Sketch Upload

Go to Examples/Blynk/Board_Wiffi/Nodecmu

Open Nodemcu sketch.

Enter your Blynk Authtoken & your wifi credentials.

Upload the sketch.

that's it.