Introduction: How to Prevent Mold in Homemade Beauty Recipes

About: I’m a mama of three and breast milk donor just trying to survive the chaos with coffee, fitness and wine!

Here are some ways you can prevent mold growth in homemade beauty recipes without adding chemical preservatives or additives. I like to make my own all natural beauty products, but nobody wants an all natural product that grows mold.

Every now and then I find that mold will grow in certain homemade beauty products. It can happen when water gets trapped inside or it is exposed to heat. I have had this problem with my homemade baby wipes and sugar scrubs recipes, but with some research and trial and error, I was able to figure out ways to naturally prevent mold growth.

Here are 4 ways to prevent mold in homemade beauty recipes:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

2. Use The Right Water

3. Store It Correctly

4. Essential Oils

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