Introduction: Wash a Shiatsu's Face

Those of you who have a pet shiatsu know that their short face gets dirty often and their watery eyes cause "boogers" and other smelly discharge. This instructable will show you an easy and quick way to wash their face without having to deal with a full bath-time routine.

In advance, I apologize for the lack of pictures, but as you can imagine, it would be be hard to operate a camera while washing my dog's face.

Step 1: Brushing

First, brush out the fur around their eyes and snout. Do this under two conditions:
1. Your dog will let you
2. Their fur is not severely matted (this would tug and hurt your dog)
If you can't comb the fur first, don't worry

Step 2: Soap

Run a washcloth under warm water and squirt a dime sized glob of soap (preferably dog shampoo) onto the washcloth. Rub the washcloth to foam up the soap.

Step 3: Wash

Start to rub the soapy washcloth on your dog's face. This will dislodge any "eye boogers". As you go, comb out their fur. Continue this until you have cleaned their entire face. You may have to rinse and re-soap the washcloth several times.

If your dog is wiggling away from you, sit with your rear and your feet on the floor and gently hold them between your knees

Step 4: Rinse

Thoroughly rinse the washcloth and wipe the soap out of their fur. Rinse after every wipe. Continue until their face is soap free.

Step 5: Comb

Now that your dog's face is clean and damp, it should be fairly easy to comb out their facial fur. If your dog's face got really wet, dry them off with a towel.

Step 6: Conclusion

My dog who is resistant at bath time was very docile while I washed his face in this manner. Hopefully this will work well for you too!