Introduction: How to Draw an Oval With Abandoned Drawer Knobs

About: I am a hot low-fi hi-tac robot from Hong Kong!

All things that you need:
(1)the blue tacks
(2)A4 papers (one clean and one recycled)
(3)thread( I use dental floss here.)
(4)two abandoned knobs

If you are clever enough, you don't need to view the following steps. You understand immediately : )

Please view the video at when it is not shown.

Step 1: Get the Abandoned Drawer Knobs From the Gabages

Keep the screws if you can find them.

Step 2: Mark Two Centers of the Oval on the Back of Your Paper

(2.1)Fold the recycle paper into 8 columns and 2 rolls and pick two points to be the centers of the oval.

(2.2)Transfer the marks to the back of a clean paper.

(2.3) Put the blue tacks at the centers and 4 corners of the paper

(2.4) Stick the paper to your table

Step 3: Stick the Drawer Knobs to the Front of the Paper

Step 4: Make a Circle With Your Thread

Adjust the thread to fit the height and width of the paper.

Step 5: Now, You Can Draw!

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