Introduction: How to Eat Cereal WITH MILK Anywhere!!!!!!!(Without Getting Soggy)

I will show you a way to take cereal with milk anywhere and eat it with out getting all gross on you and to make people look at you strangely lol!

Step 1: Gather Materials

this is all the stuff you will need...

Step 2: Pour Cereal

get the cereal you want and pour it into TUPPERWARE

Step 3: Pour Milk Into Bag

pour milk into bag

Step 4: COMBINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

put bag of milk into the tupperware container that you put cereal in earlier.....

Step 5: Lid

put the lid on. No one likes spilling cereal in their car. (take heed to this step especially if you're one of those crazy drivers that gets flipped off all the time for driving like a maniac and taking turns going 40MPH or 60KMH)[what ever you prefer]

Step 6: Pour Milk Into Cereal

pour milk into cereal

Step 7: EnFREAKIN'joy

that's right you have worked hard...well kinda, and now is the time to enjoy your cereal in your office, outside, anywhere really...