Introduction: How to Fold a Simple Paper Aeroplane?

This is a simple and fast way to fold a paper aeroplane. It is fast, can withstand a fullforce throw, and does not need a lot calibration. But it is also very fragile.

Step 1: Fold the Paper in Half Longways.

Step 2: Fold the Paper So the Top Edge of the Paper Touches the Center Line.

Step 3: Fold in the Edges So You Get Something Similiar to the Picture.

Try to make sure that the diagonal edge you just folded meets exactly with the center line.

Step 4: Fold in the Edges Again, So the Result Is Similiar to the Picture.

Try to make sure that the diagonal edge you just folded meets exactly with the center line.

Step 5: Turn the Paper Upside Down.

Step 6: Fold the Paper in Half Along the Already Available Crease.

Step 7: Voilà!

You now have your very own paper aeroplane, made in a minute or two. Now, it is crucial that the plane is tested, then calibrated. Visit this page for more details on calibrating a paper aeroplane:

(Note: I did not make this website and I do not intend to take any credit for it. All credits go to the original creator)