Introduction: How to Make a Fake Virus.

In this instructable I will teach you how to make a fake virus which looks like a virus but doesn't harm your computer. There is two kinds that you will learn to make, one restarts your computer and another shuts down your computer.

Step 1: Creating the Core of a Fake Virus.

This is the hard stage to the point if you mess up, you may may end up creating a real virus if you mess up on the target, so copy and paste what I tell you to.

Right click on your desk top and go to new. Create a short cut and type the following for restart: shutdown.exe -r -t 60

Or if you want to shutdown the computer type: shutdown -s -t 70

Then click next and leave the name as shutdown.

Step 2: Spicing Up the Core.

Right click on the fake virus core and go to properties, click on change icon then click ok. Pick your icon and have a name to go with the icon. Then once you have clicked on the icon click apply but don't close the window. If you look, there is a blank field called comments, if you hover over the icon, what is typed in this field will be shown.

Step 3: Trying It Out.

If you did it correctly and followed all the steps, the virus should work so try it out. If it works you should E-Mail it to all of your friends not saying it's a fake virus.