Introduction: How to Make a Mini Solar Robot!

About: I'm a student of mechanical engineering at Aalborg university in Denmark. I absolutely love to tinker with electronics and mechanics, and thus much of my spare time is spent on hobby robotics and 3D printers. …

The parts you need are:
3 Capacitors (from 470uF to 4700uF, each),
a 2N3904 transistor,
a 2N3906 transistor,
a resistor(1k to 10k ohm),
a solar cell (minimum 3 volts )(i used two 2 volt cells in series),
a pager motor(or a vibrator).
you'll also need a blinking/flashing LED (FLED ).

to help you, i have made a, very easy to follow , schematic of the circuit, which can be found on