Introduction: How to Make a Porcupine Pin Cushion

About: I'm a professional writer and an amateur sewist, builder, hot gluer, dremel user, crocheter, painter, paper crafter, and baker.
It's no secret I'm a fan of pin cushions.. So lately I've been making quite a few. They resemble cute and (not so) cuddly porcupines and hedgehogs! The one I made today is a cute little porcupine. Here's a tutorial so you can do it too:

Step 1: What You Need:

First, you'll need two different colors of felt, matching thread, scissors, a needle, a little poly-fil, the pattern I've provided and some pins of course.

Step 2: Cutting the Pattern / Felt

You'll need to cut out four ear pieces, two head pieces, two body pieces and one belly piece. I chose to make the body pieces a different color than the rest of the pieces, but that's a choice you can make yourself.

Step 3: Make the Ears

First, take two of the ear pieces, place them together and sew (using a tiny, tiny blanket stitch) around the edges, leaving the bottom open. Turn inside out.

Step 4: Make the Ears, Cont.

Squeeze the sides together and sew back and forth a few times so it resembles a little porcupine ear.

Step 5: Connecting the Body

Place the right sides of the body and the head, sandwiching the ear in between and sew, using (again) a tiny, tiny blanket stitch.

You should have two porcupine sides, mirror image of each other.

Step 6: Connecting the Body, Cont.

Place right sides together and sew using, once again, an incredibly tiny blanket stitch. Leave the bottom open.

Step 7: Connecting the Belly

Grab the bottom/belly piece and sew it to the sides of the porcupine. Make sure you leave a little of the back open.

Step 8: Stuffing the Porcupine

Turn inside out. Stuff with a little polyfil until you reach the desired stuff-ness. (Is that a word?)
Then sew closed using a ladder stitch.

Step 9: Put a Pin in It!

Cute! Now, it will resemble a mouse until you start putting the pins in it. Then it should look like a porcupine.

Place a couple of pins in the head for eyes.
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