Introduction: How to Make Snow Boots (without the Snow Boots)

 It's December 19, 2009 in Washington DC, and we have 16 inches of snow on the ground, with another 12 inches to come in the next 12 or so hours. 

Everyone's staying home, but after being couped up in the house and taking pictures from the bedroom window, I wanted a better view of the winter wonderland that waited for me outside. 

The problem is that I don't have any snow boots, and the only pair of gym shoes I have are mesh-topped. I had to figure something out though, because I wanted to get outside and play!

What I did worked perfectly, and I was able to romp around in 16" of snow while staying completely dry and warm. 

Step 1: Step 1 - the Base

 First, you'll need a base layer. I used knee-high socks, and highly recommend, but you can also use the tall calf-length socks. Ankle socks will NOT work.

Step 1 -- Put your foot in a sock.

Step 2: Step 2 - the Barrier

 Next, you'll need a couple recycled grocery sacks, or some garbage bags. Don't use Ziploc bags, they don't bunch right and end up being uncomfortable and not really protective.

Step 2 -- Put that sock in a bag.

Step 3: Step 3 - the Outer Layer

 Next, you'll need another pair of knee-high (or calf-length) socks. Put those on over the grocery sack.

Step 3 -- Put that bag in a sock.

Step 4: Step 4 - the Pull-down

 The last step to weather-proofing a foot is to cover it with a pant! The type of pant is not terribly important, but jeans work well to provide a little bit of buffer between when the snow hits your pants and when you can feel it through the sock/sack barrier. 

Step 5: Step 5 - Gettin Jiggy Wit' It

The first foot was lonely. Be a doll and go make another one to keep it company, will ya?

Step 6: Shoes!

After a comment in which someone didn't realize that shoes are needed to complete the project, I am now demanding that you add shoes on top of your socks and bags!

Enjoy the snow!