Introduction: How to Protect Against an EMP.

In this instructable I am going to teach you how to protect your electronics against an EMP with stuff you can find around the house. You can watch the video or reed to typed instructions. All you need is two or three paper towels(or something non conductive to wrap around the device you want to protect), aluminum foil, and the electrical device you want to protect such as a cellphone, a laptop, a radio, or whatever else you want to protect. All you need to do is wrap the paper towel around the device to make sure it is completely covered then wrap it in aluminum foil.OPTIONAL you can wrap it with another layer of paper towels and and aluminum foil(you don't need more than three layers). That's it. Cheep, easy to do, and effective a wining combination!!! Please comment, favorite, and vote!!!

MAKE ENERGY: A US-Mexico Innovation Challenge

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MAKE ENERGY: A US-Mexico Innovation Challenge

Homemade Gifts Contest

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Homemade Gifts Contest

Papercraft Contest

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Papercraft Contest

Protected Contest

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Protected Contest