Introduction: How to Take a Fall (Skateboarding)

This is an instructable on how to take a fall while skateboarding. In this example, Bruno will be showing you how to fall while grinding a ledge.

Step 1: Step 1

Bruno begins to crouch like normal to start his trick.

Step 2: Step 2

He ollies onto the ledge.

Step 3: Step 3

He begins to grind.

Step 4: Step 5

Halfway through the ledge, he begins to loose his balance.

Step 5: Step 5

At the very last part of his grind, his front foot slips off the griptape, and he begins to fall forward.

Step 6: Step 6

This is the most crucial part of falling. Bruno puts his hands out first to absorb the impact.

Step 7: Step 7

He then rolls forward to make the fall less painful.

Step 8: Step 8

He lays in his failure and self pity.

Step 9: Step 9

After the pain has left his body, he gets up.

Step 10: Step 10

The key to falling, is to play it off as if nothing ever happened.

Step 11: Step 11

He walks away calm, cool, and collective. Even though he is still crying inside form the pain he just endured.