Introduction: Inside-out Caramel Apples

These treats take less than five minutes to make and they are super tasty!

Step 1: Step 1: Ingredients

You will need an apple, a knife and cutting board and any toppings that you wish to use. I used chopped walnuts and dark chocolate chips but other ideas include marshmallows, pecans, graham crackers, white chocolate and sprinkles.

Step 2: Step 2: Hollowing the Apple

using your knife, cut a hole in the apple and scoop out the seeds and core so that you have an apple bowl

Step 3: Step 3: Caramel

Melt your caramel and pour the hot caramel into the apple bowl

Step 4: Step 4: Topping Time

Load on your toppings!

Step 5: Step 5: Enjoy!

Now you have an inside- out apple! you can slice it up or just eat! Enjoy!

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