Introduction: InstaWall

Here is one idea for wall decoration with your Instagram photos.

All you need for this is:

  1. Instagram photos
  2. InkJet printer
  3. Some photo editor (I am using CorelDraw X4)
  4. Decorative wall nails
  5. paper shears
  6. photo sticers

Step 1: Downloading Your Instagram Photos

Go to

Sign in with your account

Choose your photos for downloading(I`m using all my photos)

Then click on download photos

then Download Only

Step 2: Editing Photos

Instagram photos are very good and there no need to be edited. But I have downloaded one old frame photo from google images and add to every photo with CorelDraw. You can use any photo editor to do this.

After editing put 6 photos on page and print with your color printer.

I am using the lowest settings on my printer for old look.

Step 3: Cut the Printed Papers

Step 4: Attach to the Wall

Use wall nails and hammer to attach the photos.

You can use also invisible photo stickers for attach but i think that with decorative nails is better.


This is how my instawall looks like ...Instawall is one continuous project, every new picture from my instagram profile I will attach on the wall....

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