Introduction: Jenga Pistol V2

About: pretty laid back, have some pretty long time lapses with this site, I enjoy a challenge and being forced to use logical deduction and solve problems. building and creating things has always interested me as we…
I don't know why I'm making an instructable for this one, but I am. I guess it's the boredom of a bland summer...anyways, this is the other version of that Jenga pistol thingy I was talking about before. I prefer this one, even though I didn't work on it enough to make it pretty and whatnot, because it's more reliable. Also, the trigger mech is just wack; I don't even know what I was doing with it lol- But it works! Once again, THIS IS NOT A K'NEX GUN! I say this because I don't think the other one was allowed in the toy contest because the mods probably thought it was a gun or something, which kind of sucks. It is meant to be used with Jenga building blocks, as seen in this video: 

So yeah. Different bolt, different rail, different catch, different look. I don't think I'll really delve further with the pics, because I doubt anyone wants it lol.