Introduction: KGG V1.0

About: I have moved on to better things...aka YouTube. So I will most likely not reply to any comments, sorry for any inconvienience. If you have important questions, you can go to my youtube channel (MagmaRhino) and…

Knex Gatling Gun Version 1. Shoots about 40 feet with 2-3 rubber bands per barrel. This gun has 16 barrels and you can load 3 green pegs in each one. It shoots about 10 barrels per second, up to 30 rounds per second, and it still goes 40 feet. It takes an average of 1 minute to load.Have fun with this and I am NOT reliable for any damage, harm, or p.o.'d friends. The Video is for the lod version which shot only 15 feet. The bullets shoot a lot faster on this version.

Step 1: The Barrel Holder

Let's get the hardest and most tedious step finished first, then you can have fun.

Step 2: The Barrels

There are a total of 16, but you only have to build 8 of these because there are 2 barrels per one you build.

Step 3: Connect the Round Base Thing With the Barrels

Don't put them on backwards.

Step 4: The Motor Mount


Step 5: The Front Tower

UHHH the Front

Step 6: The Back Tower

Wait for it.........The Back

Step 7: The Connector


Step 8: The Firing Thing


Step 9: Put It All Together

The fun part.

Step 10: Loading and Firing

ALRIGHT very simple. Just pull the firing thing out of the way so you can spin the barrel. Pull back each ram and move the trigger piece in place. Then load ammo in each barrel. Have fun and I am not reliable for ANY stupid things you do with this.