Introduction: Knex Slingshot V1

About: U.B. Electrical Engineering. I enjoy building with Knex and I have been using this site for a few years now. So, subscribe if you like what I do.

Hey guys,

It's been a while since I have built a gun, so I went for it. I was going for looks in V1 and not innovation, thus I used the same mechanism in this as I did in Savage. It is an extremely effective mech which never fails. This is a fool-proof slingshot mech capable of reaching significant distance and packing a punch while still being accurate. That being said, this gun is nothing special, minus the looks. . .

I am very happy with the looks but not with the mechanism. It has a fake mag and is essentially a glorified slingshot. I am posting this as an alpha because I plan on modifying it to have a real magazine and a bullpup mechanism inside of the same aesthetically pleasing shell. I posted it now in case I accidentally destroyed it beyond repair during modification. If I can get V2 to work and be innovative, I will post it along with instructions; and if not. . .

So think of this as a preview. . .

Thanks for checking in!
