Introduction: Knex Pistol With Mag and Shell Ejection

About: Name's Drew. I like to build knex guns. I'm not very good at it. I tend to build simple guns. I'm not very innovative, I've tried but never ends up well. So I build guns I enjoy handling and shooting. Would l…

First off, This is not completely my gun. I found it, I built it, and I modified it. Credit for the trigger mech goes to Karma Charger18 who also named it. This gun is called R45-S. This gun has an ok distance of 10-25 depending on rubberbands, it also has automatic shell ejection. Oh and this is my first Instructable!!!

Shell ejection.
Very sturdy.
Alright distance.
Comfortable design.
Ammo pusher thing doesn't put a lot of stress on gun.

Shells jam sometimes.
Bullets jam in barrel sometimes.
Firing pin out stress on back of gun.

It's always good when there are more Pros then Cons!!!

Step 1: Handle and Trigger

Kinda simple step. If you need more pictures or instructions than this, Just tell me and I will see what I can do.

Step 2: Body of the Gun

This is just the body of the gun. Don't get confused by the different colors of the pieces like I do. lol

Step 3: Magazine and Part of the Body

This wil be the magazine. The ammo it holds it blue rods with 3 grey spacers taped together as the shells. Again, if anyone needs more instructions or pictures than just ask and I'll see what I can do.

Step 4: Putting It All Together and Making the Ammo.

Here you will put the gun together and make the shells you will use. Please pay close attention to the photos because I changed some things in some photos.

Toy Challenge 2

Participated in the
Toy Challenge 2