Introduction: Light K'nex Assualt Rifle

About: I am a mostly person who lives on his pc. some dasy i will be on a pc games or guild wars. and others i will be checking out new instructables here.

Before i start to get complnts this gun is ment to be a block triger and be very simple it is just to help less exsperienced k'nex builders bridge the gap from pistole to rifle.

This is a very simple rifle i would recermend it as a first build or if you have very little parts.

Step 1: Handle

This is very simple just look at the pictures.

Step 2: Barrel and Hopper

This is the only hard bit but the pictures will explain.

1- Side
2- Back
3- FrontBottom
4- BottomTop
5- Top

Step 3: MIddle Bit

this bit is hard to see from the picture. ask if you can't see.

Step 4: Grenade Launcher (optional)

just look at the pictures.

Step 5: Conecting It All

Add each section by following the pictures.

1- Adding handle
2- Main to barrel 1
3- Main to barrel 2
4- Main to barrel 3
5- Top clips
6- Adding grenade launcher

Step 6: Ammo

The normal blue rods are for the hopper the one with the green bit is for the grenade launcher.

Thank you for builging my instructable.