Introduction: Lights of America LED Candelabra Lighbulbs

About: Middle aged geek username also works at,,,

These recently appeared at CostCo; LED bulbs (supposedly 40W equivalent light from 1.5W), produced in China for Lights of America. Sold in a 3-pack for less than $15, I decided it was time to experiment.

The brightness is difficult to evaluate due to the directionality of the beams. It doesn't look too bad, but I didn't think LEDs had yet hit 4x better efficiencies than CFLs (7wCFL also claim 40W equivalences, and they're omnidirectional.)

The clear container is glass...

At worst, this is 60 white LEDs with usable leads for $15, which isn't bad. At best I have a new candidate for some of my lights. I wish they had made the bulbs somewhat smaller to match normal candelabra base incandescents. Instead, they're the same size as the CFL candelabra lamps: huge.