Introduction: Linear Actuator in 5 Minutes

About: making makes me feel enlightened .And tinkering is my Passion

Always wanted the linear motion but were stuck with the circular motion of the motor .You have landed on the correct place

Step 1: Supplies Needed

List of the material you need is

  • a power drill
  • a flat file
  • tape
  • a bolt (of about 75 mm length)
  • 3 nuts of that size
  • motor
  • wire cutter
  • a coupler used in tube lights

Step 2: Making the Shaft

Take the bolt fix it in the drill machine and stick the file flat with help of a tape

Step 3: Coupler

take the coupler remove its plastic shaeth and arrange them

Step 4: Piece for Movement

take the 3 nuts and screw them on the bolt such that the bolt is free to move . Now solder the 3 nuts together

Step 5: Completed

On one polarity goes up and on other goes down

Build a Tool Contest 2017

Participated in the
Build a Tool Contest 2017

Trash to Treasure Contest 2017

Participated in the
Trash to Treasure Contest 2017