Introduction: Little Frida Kahlo!

About: Not THAT kind of hooker. The kind armed with a crochet hook. ;)
“I leave you my portrait so that you will have my presence all the days and nights that I am away from you.”
~Frida Kahlo

I made this tiny Frida Kahlo for a friend, because who can resist an excuse to make a tiny unibrow?? Frida is crocheted from acrylic yarn using an E-sized hook, and filled with polypellets (for weight) and polyfil. Accents on the clothing were embroidered on, and her chain is a tiny chain that I stitched into place. Her unibrow was a single line of embroidery thread. You can't have Frida without the unibrow!

(NOTE: There is no pattern for this post)

Holiday Gifts Contest

Participated in the
Holiday Gifts Contest

Pocket Sized Contest

Participated in the
Pocket Sized Contest