Introduction: MP5K V2 (Selective Firing Rubber Band Gun) + Attachments

About: I don't really build that much anymore since I pay attention to more important things like School Work and Guitar Practice... But I put stuff up every now and then... Me and da Dunkiz alwayz fight fir no reazo…

 My little bro wanted me to fix that first MP5K that I made because he apparently dropped it off the roof. Anyways, I decided to make it better and its got some VERY GOOD Upgrades! Here are the Specs:

Selective Firing (Yes I mean it goes Semi AND Full Auto and also 1 shot, pull back, repeat)
Capacity: 8 Rubber Bands (Thin ones)
Reliability: 83% (83 Succesful Shots out of 100)
Knob for un-jamming (HECK YEAH!)
Removable Magazine (Not Shown in Slideshow)
Brand New Semi Auto/Full Auto System (My own design if not, a design on which I have yet to see)
Easily Removable Attachments
Its a RBG (If only it shot rods :[ )
Part Count: Alot
Distance: 20-30 Feet On Average

If enough people want me to post, I'll post... till then, SLIDESHOW!1!