Introduction: MRSG-1

About: HOLY HELL, look at me, I'm a cat ! I plan on building some kind of ball machine "soon", I just need a half term break to start as well as needing to organise all of my parts (somewhere around 7000). If some…

yeahhhhh, wooo, I made something based on an SL8 (They are bloody beautiful)

This k'nex battle rifle is of my own personal design and features:
Clicky thingy-ma-jig that holds the mag in (YEAH!)
Top loaded (wooo?)
Ammo sliding out of the barrel (oh hell)
Masking tape (wtf?)
A top mount for sights, 'scopes' and maybe a torch if you're good

And not much else...

It doesn't look pretty-ish

(it stands for "Medium Range Scatter Gun" btw)

ACTUALLY, this is complete tart, Imma redesign it so it looks like an SL8 and then i'll hold it and go "pew pew" and pretend I'm really cool