Introduction: Magic Drawers Puzzle

About: I like to design and build random things.

This is my take on the classic Magic Drawers Puzzle. The goal is to remove the pieces from the box. The more challenging task is to put the parts back into the box. The version presented is 3D printed (files included at the end) but most versions are larger in size and made from wood. Being 3D printed, the tolerances are tight compared to the wood versions so that makes the solution more challenging. This video shows the solution. Skip if you want to try to solve on your own.


  • PLA Filament (2 Colors)
  • Super Glue

Step 1: Parts

The parts are color-coded to help with describing the solution. The dimensions shown are in inches.

Step 2: Box Parts

To ease with 3D printing, I broke the box into two pieces. Pins were added for alignment.

Step 3: Parts

You will need to print one of each of the four parts shown here. This step also shows the overall dimensions of Part 1.

Step 4: Finished Printing

At this point, you should have these six parts printed.

Step 5: Box Build

Use super glue to attach the box together. Note the opening sizes are only slightly larger than the parts.

Step 6: Solution

It's hard to explain the solution in pictures but I'm going to try to give you a start. Place Parts 1 & 3 together as shown. Next, place Parts 2 & 4 together. Now place group 1/3 on top of group 2/4. If you built everything correctly, the stack-up should look like the picture shown. This stack-up needs to fit in the box. However, as you quickly notice, you can't do it with the pieces grouped together. At this point, I suggest playing with the puzzle to understand how it works. Now try to place the parts in the box. If you can't figure it out, refer to the video in the intro.

Step 7: 3D Print Files

All parts were printed in PLA with 50% infill. No support structure is needed.

Step 8: Pictures

I printed two puzzles with two colors (copper and silver). I'm very happy with the fit and feel of the puzzle.

Step 9: More Pictures

It snowed today :). Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for viewing.

Anything Goes Contest

Participated in the
Anything Goes Contest