Introduction: Make Your Own Mustache Wax.

About: i have spent my life finding alternative ways to get every task done in spite many challenges. most of my projects are as we call how we do things Fabrecobled (to make (fabricate) something from whatever layin…

Standing before the mirror buzzer in hand. I yelled to the better half "Mutton chops or Handle bars?" The response was swift and decisive pro Handle Bars, that was about 5 years ago now.
I started with trying waxes I found in a cosmetic supply. Each brand used dyes that are water soluble so if it rained the dye ran down my face making a mess, I had to find a solution.

In this time of COVID it was comforting to put on my mustache again after almost a year of not wearing one, even if I put a mask over it later. Made me realize I have been neglecting my mental self care; take care of yourself and stay safe while helping others as best you can.


This is what I came up with and how to make it.


You may need (I used)
● Pan and water
● Heat source (gas range)
● Scale
● Something disposable to stir with (shim splinter)
● Sharp knife (unless using bee's wax granules)
● Cutting board
● Container heat tolerant with lid (4oz Mason jar I have been topping off for about 4 years (why it's got wax in it to start))
● Bee's wax
● Coconut oil
● Crayon that closely matches your face hair color.
● Essential oil if desired

Step 1: Prepare and Weigh Your Materials.

Let's follow along with the pictures
1. If you are using block bee's wax you will need to cut it into bits that will melt into the oil. This is not necessary if you're using granules.
2. In your heat safe container with your scale zeroed with jar weigh out some of your wax.
3. Zero your scale again and add your coconut oil till you reach about the same amount as you had wax.
4. Shave some of your crayon for adding later.

Step 2: Melting It All Together.

1. Get the pan of water slow boil. And place the jar filled with wax and oil in the pan, so that it is functioning like a double boiler.
2. Add the crayon shavings, if desired add essential oils now.
3,4. Melt the mixture together stirring regularly.
5. Once fully melted CAREFULLY remove the jar from the water and place it somewhere SAFE to cool.

Step 3: Cooled and Ready to Use.

Following the pictures again.
1. The wax is cool. Note the color is a little light I may need to melt in more crayon after testing.
2. There always seems to be some unmeltable crayon bits that settle to the bottom.

Follow along with my video to learn how to apply your mustache wax.

If you're wax is to hard or soft you can remelt the wax adjusting its consistency by adding more wax for harder or more oil to soften. I often do this seasonally to get more heat resistance in the summer and more pliable wax in the winter.

Self-Care Challenge

Runner Up in the
Self-Care Challenge