Introduction: Make a Bedroom Lamp From Shims

About: woodworker, welder, crafter, maker, youtuber

The challenge was to make a lamp cheaply from things I already had laying around.


- 1 Package of cedar shims ($3 - $4 at Home Depot)

- Some scrap thin mahogany

- A little plywood

- The lamp parts I ordered off of ebay for about $10

- Lamp socket ( $1.40 ebay )

- Lamp cord 9 ( $6 ebay )

- Vintage plug ( $1.99 ebay )

- Step-On lamp switch ( $1.99 ebay )


- Miter Saw

- Scroll Saw

- Brad Nailer

- Wood Glue

- Drill

- Sanders

- Screwdriver

- Carpet & Masking Tape

- Small Router

- Hammer & Nails

- Carboard Spacing Strips

- Tung Oil Finish

Step 1: The Result Is a One of a Kind Lamp

Watch this video to see how it all comes together.

Bedroom Contest

Runner Up in the
Bedroom Contest

Before and After Contest

Participated in the
Before and After Contest

Unusual Uses Challenge

Participated in the
Unusual Uses Challenge