Introduction: Making Guacamole

About: I like to to do a lot of DIY stuff, like cooking, and I also like to relax in a pool. My favorite animals are fish, chickens ( My family isn't rich and comes from a line of farmers), cats, dogs, and any other…

Step 1: Ingredients

You will need:
5 small avocados
1 blender
2 packets of seasoning
1 knife
1 spoon
1 tablespoon of water or lime juice

Step 2: Preparing the Avocados

Take your avocados and cut them in half, best you can, with the knife. Be careful, because there is a large seed, or pit, in the very center and you could slip and cut yourself. NOTE: I only used four because one of mine was rotten.

Step 3: Blending

Scoop the avocado innards into the blender. Add the water and spice packets. Blend until it is completely puréed. You may need to add some more water, if it will not blend. Scoop the finished guacamole into a container and enjoy!