Introduction: Making Money Online.

For the first thing, this is my first Instructable.
In this instructable i'm going to show you how to make money by clicking ads. No downloads needed.

Step 1:

The first thing you need to do is register at Alertpay (the money will transfer here). I recommend choosing "Persinal starter" because it has no fees. The rest should be easy.

Step 2: and

Now it's time to sign up at bux3 and bux. Make sure that referer tab is named "lamaman".

Step 3: Lets Start Clickin!

Now click "Surf ads". There is a list of commercials. Click the first one and wait the counter to reach zero. Then close the window and click next link. Do it with all links. Remember that you can't watch two ads at the time. You usually have 16-9 ads and you get 1cent per click. To see your earnings click "Stats". has an "offers" system too. there are some links where you can register. When registered, click the Submit button and you will get some money ( usually 0.10-3.00).

Step 4: Referalls

You can refer others too. When someone registers with your registration code ( it's in stats), you will get 1cent per his/her click.
You have 10 referalls. They all click 10 ads per day. 10x10=100cents. You make 1dollar per day.

You can also buy referal packages. there are 15; 35; 100 and 500 referal packages . 15Referalls cost 17$ and 500Refs cost 429$.

Step 5: Membership

You can also purchase a memberhip which costs 59$. It will give you 20-47 ads per day. Each your and your refs' click will give you 0.0125$

You click 20 ads= 0.25$. Your 10 Refs click 10 times=100clicks * 0,0125 = 1,25$. So you make 1,5$ per day.

Step 6: Cash Out

To get cash to your alertpay account ( minimum 10$) click "stats". Next to your account balance, there is "Cashout" button. Click it and the money will transfer to alertpay in 30 days.

Step 7: Time to Spend!

Now it's time to spend! You can put the money to your bank account or buy stuff from sites like Ebay.

When you got any questions, i'm happy to answer.