Introduction: McDonalds Fries Out of an Apple

These "fries" are made from 2 apples and are a really fun easy project.

Step 1: Stuff You Need

2 apples
Cutting board
Lemon juice(to keep ripe)

Step 2: Cutting the "box" and Making the M

Cut off the bottom and top of the apple to start off the "box"
To carve the McDonald's M, use a toothpick to carve an M then peel the skin off

Step 3: The "fries"

First cut and peel the second apple
Then slice until you have a couple different sizes and shapes of "fries"

Step 4: Putting the Fries in the Box

Push a toothpick halflway in the fry then stick it in the box. Do this with the rest of the fries and arrange them to look nice

Spritz with lemon juice to make it stay fresh and look nice

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