Introduction: Mini Fume Eliminator

 Made of a small computer fan, this Mini Fume Eliminator is perfect for soldering, or any activity that releases fumes that you don't want to be in your face.

Step 1: Materials Needed

 - Computer Fan ( 12 Volt ) 
 - Any sort of base to mount the fan on
 - Gutter Protector Material
 - 4 Micro Cable Ties
 - 18 volt drill battery 
 - Hot Glue Gun 
 - Pliers Optional

Step 2: Measure Mesh

Measure mesh to the size of your fan, note the Flow / Rotation arrows. The mesh will be attached opposite the direction of the flow arrow. 

Step 3: Attach Mesh

 Using the 4 cable ties, attach the mesh to the fan, on tie in each corner. Be sure that the mesh and the fan blades Do Not touch, this will cause grind, prohibiting the performance, and causing an un-pleasant noise.

Step 4: Glue

 Use hot glue to attach the fan to your base.

Step 5: Battery

Find a way to attach your leads to the terminals on your drill battery, insuring that the positive and negative are going to the correct terminals.  

Step 6: Test !

 Enjoy your new ventilation system!!!

Dead Computer Contest

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Dead Computer Contest