Introduction: My Cardboard Giraffe

About: I love to sew, as I'm sure you can see from my ibles ;) I also love lawn flamingos, going to the beach, dinosaurs, and doing random stuff.

This is the cardboard giraffe I made. These pictures were taken at a friends house. I covered a box in white paper and painted it yellow, then I cut up my science fair poster and made it into the legs and neck and head. Then I cut holes in the legs and body so I could tie them on with yarn so that I could kind of sit down.It's actually a costume and it's really hard to bend over when I'm wearing it.

In three of the pictures I kinda just threw him in a chair.
It's right eye looks really messed up because I was wearing it and tried bending over to draw it on and I'm left handed so it was kind of hard to do.