Introduction: My First and Only Pumpkin Carved in My Life. Humorous

About: i got a third chance at a new life! I want to thank my close friends.( 1 lives here) 3 Police deptartments, and food and water as well as a safe house, and protection, my life is going to be great KARMA KARMA …

Its a very short Instructable

You will need.....


1. 1 willing Pumpkin.

2. 1 tool set. I prefer a Dremel tool , with all attachments.

3, 1 disposable face shield ( throw it away later)

4, 1 Tyvek Suit to protect your clothes.

5, 1 first Aid kit, in case of an Accident,

6 An ambulance with trained EMT's on stand by in your drive way.

Now lets get to work!!!!!!!


Take your pumpkin, and wash the outside with warm soap and water.

Then gently cut 2 inches around the stem. This will prevent the Pumpkin from rotting too fast.

Do not remove seeds yet, please.

Then gently draw a suffering face and a small round mouth on your pumpkin, by using

the appropriate Dremel attachment. Be extremely careful when you work with sharp tools and always pay attention

The final step is to reach in through the opening,where the stem was temporary removed.

Push as many seeds as you can get through the mouth opening. This makes it more real.

My daughter watched too much CSI LAS VEGAS and she out fake blood inside the Pumpkin, so when she pushed the seeds though the mouth, it was bloody vomit.

Thats it,



Halloween Decor Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Decor Contest

Pumpkin Challenge

Participated in the
Pumpkin Challenge