Introduction: Nashville Hot Zucchini Latkes

This summer was my first time growing zucchini. I am sure anyone out there who has grown zucchini can sympathize that when they are doing well, zucchini can be... prolific. We only planted one, but it did quite well. On about week three of our zucchini plant producing too many zucchini’s for two people to eat my wife and I were looking for new ways to use up our crop. I had made potato latkes before, so thought that there was nothing stopping me from making zucchini latkes.


  1. 1 medium zucchini (grated)
  2. 1 yellow onion (grated)
  3. 2 large eggs (beaten)
  4. 1/3 cup flour
  5. 1 tablespoon Nashville hot seasoning
  6. Oil for frying

Step 1: Prepare Batter

  • Grate zucchini and press to remove as much liquid as possible.
  • Grate onion and press to remove some, but not all of the liquid (I kept about half).
  • Combine zucchini, onion, flower, and Nashville Hot seasoning in a medium bowl.
  • Add eggs and stir into a batter.

Step 2: Pan Fry

  • Heat 2 - 3 tablespoons of oil in large cast iron skillet, you will know that the pan is ready when you drop a small bit of batter into the pan and it immediately sizzles.
  • Once the oil is hot, add 1/3 cup of batter to the pan, using the back of the measuring cup to flatten out the latke into a thin circle.
  • Fry the latke about 2 to 3 minutes on each side until golden brown. Don't worry if you break a few during the flip, they still taste great.

Step 3: Serve

We ate ours with a bit of sour cream and Sriracha hot sauce. They were delicious!

Meatless Challenge

Participated in the
Meatless Challenge