Introduction: O.L.L.I.E.

How to build your own home bot?

Step 1: Materials and Tools


-Pin 2*65 mm - 4 pcs,

-Screw-nut 2mm - 10 pcs,

-Pin 3*40 mm - 16 pcs,

-Screw-nut 3mm - 16 pcs,

-Safety match - 3 pcs,

-Plywood 3mm,

-Сopper wire - approx. 4m


-Laser Cutter,


Step 2: Make the Laser Cutting

Step 3: Assambly of the Head

Look to the step by step pictures. Take the short pins and assembly the head, you should glue 3 back pieces of the head. Pay attention to the markings: 1-1, 2-1, 3-1 and etc.

Step 4: Assambly of the Body

Look to the step by step pictures. Take the Long and short pins and assembly the body. You should glue 4-2 part. Pay attention to the markings: T1-1, T2-1, T3-1 and etc.

Step 5: Assambly of the Legs

Look to the step by step pictures. Take the Сopper wire and assembly the legs. Pay attention to the markings: Б1-1, Б2-1, Б3-1 and etc. Achieve maximum stability of the model. Cut the extre copper wire

Step 6: Assambly of the Neck

Look to the step by step pictures. Take the Сopper wire and assembly the neck. Pay attention to the markings: Ш1-1, Ш2-1, Ш3-1 and etc.

Step 7: Assambly of the Hands

Glue the wrists. Take the Сopper wire and assembly the hands.

Step 8: Enjoy Your O.L.L.I.E Bot!!!

Full Spectrum Laser Contest 2016

Participated in the
Full Spectrum Laser Contest 2016