Introduction: P*M*S* Emergency Survival Kit - SewUseful Contest Submission

About: Living here in the great northwest we have our share of rain and snow. I make my own sunshine by being creative and positive. I have been sewing for about 40 +/- years. I find it is my passion, therapy, grea…

PMS Emergency Survival Kit -- See it for sale after the SewUseful contest at

This kit is not to be used as a medical treatment, it is solely for the purposes of assisting with the feelings, urges, moods and crabbiness, experienced during those times know as P*M*S*.
All in a fabric drawstring bag to stash and grab when needed, or to give as a gift when the emergency occurs.
Now you can! Stash to grab when needed at the office, in the car, give as a gift or just have ready in the nurses office. Do all this just in case of an occurrence of P*M*S* Emergency!

Step 1: Instructions for Construction.

1 - Decide how big you want your survival kit to be and cut out fabric rectangle to accommodate all inclusions. Mine is cut out of a 25" X 14"

Step 2: Cut

Cut out fabric rectangle, desired size and type for hot pad/bag. Cotton, flannel or ultra suede is suitable. Mine is ultra suede 8" X 11".

Step 3: Sew

Sew or serge sides of bag. Put in a button hole 1 1/2 down from top edge of bag. Fold over 1 1/2" and sew a casing for drawstring. Insert drawstring. It may be a shoelace, ribbon or fabric strip.

Step 4: Sew Again

Sew up side of the hot bag and fill with uncooked rice, and a very little fragrance like lavender or a favorite perfume. Sew up end to close.

Step 5: Create and Print

Print out all required labels and Iron-On.
Mine include;
1 each: "P*M*S* EMERGENCY Survival Kit" Iron on for Bag.
1 each: "DO NOT DISTURB P*M*S* Emergency" Iron on for eyeshade.
2 each: "P*M*S* Emergency Chocolate" on paper for Bar wrapper.
1 each: "P*M*S* Emergency Hot Bag instructions for use" on card stock.

Step 6: Iron on / Wrap / Attach

Iron on require labels/wrap chocolate and attach instructions as required.

Step 7: Assemble

Assemble inclusions in drawstring bag. Add your own special needs as required......suggestions include; extra underwear, pain medications of choice, and water.

Step 8: TA DA

Now you can.....Stash to grab when needed at the office, in the car, give as a gift or just have ready in the nurses office. Do all this just in case of an occurrence of P*M*S* Emergency!