Introduction: Painting Hack - Magnets for Multiple Side Project

About: I enjoy everything

The majority of my painting projects are on metal (steel) boxes. I really like toolboxes. I typically paint on 5 sides (not the bottom). My painting set up is that I am usually on / using a flat table - painting over the top of the item. I have a weakness of when I like a color and it is thinned - just right and my brush applies it as if I know what I am doing, I don’t like to stop to wait for the paint to dry on each side.

Therefore, to allow me to paint on multiple sides, I came up with using magnetic hooks. These magnets act as stand offs, (again I like to stand over my box to paint)

Using 2 or more magnets on each side/corner - allows me to paint one side and then flip the box over without fear of smearing the fresh painted side. Then I can flip back and forth. 


4X magnetic hooks of varying size (actually 8 or more would be better - note I have used two large ones per side which tilts the piece)

I typically use 1 3/8 inch diameter by 1 ½ inch in height - hook magnets

To reduce scratches - The ones I am showing came with a plastic barrier on the bottom of the magnet. Others that I purchased - which have raw magnets I put some blue painters tape to prevent scratching.

The wire part of the hooks are threaded which allows it to be turn in or out to balance/level the work piece. (note: I have taken these hooks out and replaced with bolts for higher stand offs, secondary note: if you get to high off the table in relationship to the work piece it can tip over - lessons learned the hard way)

Step 1: Magnet Placement

Either I just place magnets on each corner or I layout my Paint pattern/design on each side, I like to leave a space where a magnet can go. I can go back and fill in the space where the magnets were at the end.

Step 2: Examples of Magnets As Standoffs

Just wanted to provide some additional photos of my hack.

Step 3: Additional Pictures of My Work

I try to do a different theme on each tool box

Magnets Contest

Participated in the
Magnets Contest