Introduction: Painting an Old Wooden Surface

About: I like food, music, video games, and art. I enjoy learning languages, playing games, making music, drawing, and making things in general. Don't mind my weird instructables.

Hello, in this instructable, I'll be showing you how to paint a deck or wooden surface. First, I will tell you that my deck is cracked and a little old. I hope you will enjoy this instructable.

Step 1: Paint Color and Painting Methods

Befor you paint, your going to need some paint obviously. So, we didn't use stain because the wood is old, so we used paint. The paint we used was a sort of brown color. It was Olympic Rescue It and had sand in it so it better seals cracks and is suposed to be somewhat water resistant. And for some painting methods, use up and down strokes on the bars of wood with your brush vertical. Also, try to paint systematicly, so you don't have painted places al over.

Step 2: Painting the Floor

Now, onto the floor. for the foor, we used an extended paint roller. Try to use back and forth motions, and remeber to work systematicly.

Step 3: You're Done!

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