Introduction: Pencil to Wand! Harry Potter

Hi, and welcome! This is my Instructable on how you can create a wand from "Harry Potter".Below there are pictures of the complete product. You will need:

A pencil




Brown marker or paint

Step 1: Texture the Pencil

Get your pencil and marker and use the marker to smear brown all over it then use your finger to rub it in giving a brown texture.

Step 2: Glue the Wood

Take the pencil and put a layer of glue on so you can make the want effect later.

Step 3: Layer It Up With Newspaper

Add newspaper and fold it around the wand and glue it around Cover up the top.

Step 4: Color It In.

Use a combination of brown and black to create a cover to your newspaper, add tape on each end of the wand.

Step 5: Create a Desighn

On the tape put a fancy desighn. Make sure to make it fit with the wand!

Step 6: Add a Texture

Get bark from your backyard, or a pen and sketch the desighn on your wand.

Step 7: Add an Ending

It will twis and have a twiglike form with this final step. get more newspaper and crupe up enough and glue it together till your wand looks perfect (remember to color it in)

Halloween Props Contest 2015

Participated in the
Halloween Props Contest 2015