Introduction: Potentiometer Trigger 3d Printed Stackable

I needed some triggers for testing my inmoov hand.

this was my first test design.

Material needed:

  • 5k potmeter B5k

Step 1: 3D Print

Print STL files.

I printed them at this settings:



No brim, supports or raft

Step 2: Potentiometer

cut off the knurled part.

There should be 2mm left

Step 3: Dryfit

Dryfit your parts.

Set your potmeter at center position (the knob)

Make sure you fit the potmeter on the right side of the trigger

Step 4: Glue and Screw

Glue the trigger from underside, make sure you dont get any glue in the moving parts of the potmeter.

glue the spring at the designated flat place.

You may stretch or cut the spring to fit it at best.

Screw in your set screw to fasten the potmeter.

Step 5: Soldering

solder the pins, and stretch the cable through the hole.

Step 6: Arduino Setup



A0 ; analog 0 port

calibrate by tweeking the highlithed numbers

val = map(val, 0, 1023, -785, 785);

First number is start position, and second is triggered position