Introduction: Pretty Good Knex Gun.

Well normaly people would start off saying there gun is really good but since this is my first instructable. I'll just say its decent. I can get a green rod to go about 40ft. So after saying that lets begin:).

Step 1: Step 1

This is pretty self explanatory.

Step 2: Step 2

The handle the pictures pretty much tell you how to make it.
Note you can probably you's normal green or red rods instead of tan...

Step 3: Step 3

the front half of the frame.

Step 4: Step 4

The ram...

Step 5: Step 5

The barrel.

Step 6: Step 6

The back half of the frame.

Step 7: Step 7

Well this is the most fun step putting it all together.
1st put the handle on the front half of the frame.
2nd attach the back frame to the front.
3d make sure the back frame is on the outside.
4th put the barrel on
5th put on this part
6th same
7th put ram and rubberbands on.

Step 8: Loading and Firing

Pretty simple just put a rod into barrel then pull back and fire.