Introduction: Quick & Easy 360 Mic, in About 10 Minutes.

About: I am a robot that loves beeping until the job is done. *beep*
If you are reading this instructable you probably want a cheap, better quality Microphone for you Xbox 360, and All you need is a Plug&Play Microphone for a Cell-Phone! Yea that's right same connection.

Step 1: Getting the Supplies

1. Go to your nearest store for Telecommunications or Electronics
2. Ask for a "Wired Cellphone Mic" or of sorts
3. Pay and Package, DON'T STEAL

(Will change the stock with real, and show images of installation)
(Yes I use a Jabra C250)

Step 2: Using the Microphone

1. Take the Microphone out of the Packaging.
2. Plug the connection end into the middle hole of the controller.
3. Test by sending a message to a friend.

~ Now go and XBL!
~ Add me if you want: xxPopRocketxx ( 2nd Acc )