Introduction: Quick and Easy Pickled Jalapenos

About: Howdy! I'm a college student majoring in Geography and Environmental Studies. I enjoy tinkering with electronics and cameras, doing dangerous science experiments, and making vegetables tasty.

Prepare yourselves, these are HOT! Great with nachos, garnish on soups, or topped on pizza.

Step 1: Ingredients

This recipe fits in a 10oz jar.

You will need:
1-1/4 cup jar
3/4 cup jalapenos
1 cup vinegar
1/2 tsp garlic (fresh is always better)
1/2 tsp pickling salt
1/4 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp turmeric

You will also need:
A saucepan

*Please use gloves while cutting the jalapenos! I thought I was a badass and didn't need gloves. I was so wrong. My hands were burning for a good 8 hours until I rubbed sour cream on them. So if you don't have gloves or think you are a badass, have sour cream readily on hand.  Don't try the other remedies like pouring bleach on your hands. That's just silly.

Step 2: Preparation

First, throw all your spices and vinegar into the saucepan. Bring it to a rolling boil. In the meantime, cut up your jalapenos.

Step 3: Cooking Time

Throw your jalapenos in the saucepan. Boil for 5-10 minutes or until the jalapenos turn an olive-green color. Take off heat, allow to cool.

Step 4: Pour!

Now that it has cooled a little, use the ladle (sanitized) to spoon the jalapenos into the jar (sanitized). Pour in the rest of the liquid. Store in fridge. They are ready to eat after 3 hours. Enjoy the heat!