Introduction: Rain Chain Replacing Gutter Downspouts

Everyone loves to enhance the beauty and décor of their home and surroundings. Decorating garden is nothing new but a 'new' old thing has been commonly used. Rain chain or kusari doi is a concept prevalent since hundreds of years that originated in Japan. It is an effective an appealing device that provides a lovely and functional watercourse for rain. Along with directing water into the basin, these add to the peaceful ambiance as the water flows.


rain chain are simple metal chains linked with cups that have small or large links running from the roof to the ground. Moreover, double links are palm-sized copper tubes that are interwoven in pairs to form the chain. Other than these, cup links are funnel-type boxes or decorative cones on the chain, which collect water in the upper cup and funnel it through the bottom hole to the next cup on the chain. The cups of rain chain control flowing water with less splashing.


copper rain chain is a widely used accessory that is attached to a roof gutter and carries water to the ground. The water is thus collected in a rain barrel or drained away from the building that can be stored for further use. The easy to install rain chains are a perfect replacement to old downspouts. Available in various designs, shapes and finishes, these create an appealing ambiance when hung from house eaves.


Other than attractive accessory, copper rain chain is useful in avoiding clogging with leaves and debris. This does not even let water overflow backing up into the house eaves.