Introduction: Rainbow Loom Fishtail on Your Fingers

About: Welcome to Dance In The Sun For Animals instructables. DSA is a non-profit organization that helps kids help animals. We are often found making plans for a bake sale or a fund raiser to donate to local anima…

Easy way to do a fishtail bracelet anywhere.

Step 1: Materials

All you need is
Your choice of colors of rubber bands
and a C or S clip

Step 2:

Put the first color rubber band on a figure eight on your two fingers. Put another one like it and then another one without the twist.

Step 3:

Take the bottom band and bring one side over your finger into the middle and do the same with the other side.

Step 4:

Repeat step 3 while adding another rubber band on the top so there will always be three rubber bands on your fingers. But remember not to do any more twists.

Step 5:

Keep doing this until your bracelet is the desired length.

Step 6: Done!

Clip it together and wear it!

** Please vote for us in the bracelet contest if you liked it! **

Bracelet Contest

Grand Prize in the
Bracelet Contest