Introduction: Redneck Traveling Wine Chalice

Stylish and practical, this highfalutin goblet goes where no other will.  It is equally at home in a five star hotel, as it is primitive camping with the wildcats and grizzly bears.  Best of all, it won't spill while you are not drinking from it.  Water, Dom Perignon, or That bad batch of homemade chokecherry wine, this chalice does it all.

Step 1: Supplies

The required supplies are:

A glass candlestick.  The dollar store can help here.
An empty jelly or canning jar.
Glue, specially formulated for glass to glass bonding.  Hobby Lobby sells GlassBond

Step 2: Bonding

Place a bead of glue on the candlestick, wait two minutes (per: the glue manufacture's instructions), then center the jar on the top of the candlestick.

Step 3: Wait

Go do something else crafty while the glue sets up.

Step 4: Customize

A bow adds a nice holiday flair.

Step 5: Test, Test, Test

Testing is important, make sure to test thoroughly.  Pour, Swirl, Sip, Chug, then put the lid on and give it a leak test.

Step 6: Again, Again

Four more candlesticks, time to eat some more jelly.

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