Introduction: Redo a Broken Rocking Chair and Add Something Special

About: I am a Christian and Love my God! I am single, I live with my family. I was home schooled, I have my B.A. in Criminal Justice and I am working on getting my Masters. I do woodworking as a hobby, God has given …

Decided to redo this for my mom for mother's day and add something special for her

Step 1: Takedown

Begin by taking the chair apart, remember to note where things went... or take a picture as a reference.

Step 2: Gluing and Sanding

Glue the broken seat together and let dry.. Sand the pieces down

Step 3: Coating and Some Assembly

Once sanded to desired smoothness, apply the linseed oil and reassemble some of the pieces

Step 4: Finish Assembly and Gluing

Finish assembling the pieces gluing them in place. *note I put the rockers on backwards so she could put it closer to the wall.. it has no affect on the performance of the rocker...*

Step 5: Something Special

I added something special for mom to kinda personalize it. I used carbon paper to trace the design on to the piece, then I used the Dremel tool to cut it out. I then painted it black and sanded it down to look like it was worn and has been there for some time. Then I reassembled the top piece no glue just wedged on.. after writing happy mothers day on the back..

Step 6: Finished

Finished project