Introduction: Remedy for Poison Ivy, Oak (ect), Insect Bites and Stings

About: I studied computer science at the University of Maryland. I have done computer projects for NASA, various defense and intelligence agencies, AOL, UUNET ect. I am currently working on a project which is desig…
A very easy to produce remedy for posion ivy, oak ect as well as insect bites and stings.

Step 1: It Does Not Seem to Make Any Difference If You Are Fairly Inexact.

Step 2: 4% Vinegar

Step 3: 7% Dishwashing Liquid. (You Can Also Use Shampoo or Fabric Softener)

Step 4: The Remainder Should Be Tap Water.

Step 5: Put Into Garden Sprayer.

Step 6: It Should Keep for a Long Time, Like Months If Not Years.

Step 7: This Should Also Work on Blisters and May Work for Acne.