Introduction: Secret Book Hole


Thick Book
Aluminum Foil
Exacto Knife

Step 1: Finding the Right Book

Your book Should be Between 1 and 2 inches with a hard cover.

Step 2: Preparation for Glueing

Take a piece of Aluminum foil and place about 15 pages in from the cover.
Then fold ends over the cover.
Repeat process for the back of the book.

Step 3: Glueing

Put glue on a paper towel.
Apply the glue to the 3 sides of the book that are showing pages.
Place something heavy over the book and let the glue dry for 5 hours.

Step 4: Cutting

Cut out the center of the book leaving a 1 inch margin around the edge.

Step 5: Final Touches

Place jewels, important items in the book and store in your bookcase.

Spy Challenge

Participated in the
Spy Challenge