Introduction: Silent Drumming

About: "There all a bunch of nazi, conformist cheerleaders..."

A way to practice drumming anywhere silently for, pretty much, free! :)

Step 1: Materials and Junk

What you will need:

Tape, or fast drying glue
Scissors, or craft knife
An old mouse mat
A London After Midnight album (I prefer Phycho Magnet)

Step 2: Chopalot

Put on the London Afer Midnight album and allow it to play for the duration

Then cut about 2-3" x 0.5" off the mousemat

Then cut that in half.

Step 3: Taping

To finish all you need to do is wrap the pieces around the end of the drumsticks (the end you drum with) and tape (or glue) it tight.
If you can be bothred you can make an end piece and glue it on, i carnt be bothered.

P.S. I lied at the beginning, i dont think you can take them onto planes, because they're such a deadly weapon.